
学生俱乐部 & 组织

俄亥俄兰开斯特大学提供超过15个注册学生组织和俱乐部,使学生能够在校园内外探索各种各样的参与机会. These organizations and clubs promote involvement in advocacy, 治理, 文化, 宗教, 服务, 艺术, 体育, 和更多的.

组织和俱乐部是提高你的教育经验和提供批判性反思论坛的好方法, 领导力发展, 社区参与. 参加学生组织和/或俱乐部的学生有机会结识新朋友, 培养领导能力, 追求自己的激情, 获得有价值的知识, and contribute to the 俄亥俄州 兰开斯特 community and beyond.

A.B.C. 成年人应该上大学

顾问: Pam Kaylor

A.B.C. 是一个学生组织,其使命是促进bet8九州登录入口兰开斯特分校非传统学生的成功. Their goals are to assist nontraditional students in meeting their educational, 职业生涯, 个人目标, to advocate for 服务s that correspond to the diverse needs of the nontraditional student, 并提供一个支持性和培育性的环境,让非传统学生在规划中成为积极的合作伙伴, 交付, and evaluation of their learning at bet8九州登录入口. The group is open to all students who self-identity as nontraditional.



顾问: Pam Kaylor

这个组织的目的是促进大学生和整个社会的平等意识. 除了, Allies for Human Rights will provide an opportunity for students, 教师, 校友, and 工作人员 to coordinate and participate in activities, 会议, resource 服务s and a generally equal environment for the benefit of students and the community. The club is open to any and all members of bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校's student body, 教师, 工作人员, 或校友, and will not discriminate based on 年龄, 比赛, color, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 国家的起源, 祖先, 信仰或残疾.

Alpha Phi Omega


顾问: 坎迪斯Thomas-Maddox

阿尔法·菲·欧米茄是国民, co-ed 服务 fraternity with active chapters on over 350 college campuses.  The 7月 Chapter at bet8九州登录入口-兰开斯特 recruits new members each semester.  7月的目标是为希望成为组织一员的学生提供领导技能,同时为我们的校园和社区提供服务.  任何学生都有资格参加!  没有GPA或专业要求.  Consider this — college should be more than the acquisition of facts and figures; it also should broaden your experiences, expand and test your inherent abilities, 提高你的社交技能.  Alpha Phi Omega's principles of 领导人hip, 友谊, and 服务 can add this aspect of college life and enable you to help others while you help yourself.


顾问: Jennifer L. 斯蒂尔

∑是一个国家刑事司法荣誉协会,为那些在刑事司法前/刑事司法或相关学位中宣布主修或辅修的学生提供学士学位. The goals of ∑ are to honor and promote academic excellence, 社区服务, 教育领导, 和团结. 其他相关专业(1).e. 心理学, 社会学, 专门的研究, 社会工作, 政治科学, 公共管理, 司法科学)也有资格成为会员,如果他们有四门刑事司法课程-(社会学/法学领域). 要加入∑,您必须完成至少三个全日制学期或同等学历,并且至少四(4)门课程必须在刑事司法- soc /LET/相关领域. 累积平均绩点为3分.2对4.0标度,以及3标度.2 aver年龄 in Criminal Justice-Soc/LET courses is needed to join. ∑是唯一的刑事司法荣誉协会,它是大学荣誉协会协会的认证成员,并隶属于刑事司法科学院. Induction into the group can occur early in the fall or spring semester.


顾问: 艾伦•米德尔顿

Comic book junkie, anime admirer, or obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe? 漫画俱乐部是为你准备的. This club is designed for those interested in comic books, 电影/电视, 约定, 日本动画和科幻小说. Bi-Weekly meetings are held Wednesdays with screenings, workshops, speakers and discussions.



联系人: 粘土Selway

This student-led group seeks to introduce students to Christ, 帮助他们在信仰上成长, 鼓励他们以一种与对圣经中的神的信仰一致的方式热情地生活,并激励他们致力于推进神在世界上的目的.


顾问: 维克多•琼斯

bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 has an outstanding theatre program, and there are many ways to get involved without being in the spotlight!  作为戏剧社的一员, you can get right in the action of a production, 从工作特许权, 引导,后台工作人员, 照明, 服装, 道具, 化妆和布景搭建.We are always looking for 志愿者 to help with our productions. We also attend the "Broadway Across America Series" in Columbus.戏剧俱乐部 members receive half price tickets! Giving back to our community is important to 戏剧俱乐部 members! Our students also participate in a variety of 社区服务 projects. No experience is necessary, just a desire to have fun and be a part of a great production team. 戏剧俱乐部 is open to students, 教师, 工作人员, AND 校友. 戏剧俱乐部 is an exciting and unique way to learn more about theatre. 参与其中很容易! 联络剧院导演A. 维克多·琼斯的电子邮件地址 jonesv2@俄亥俄州.edu or by calling the bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Box Office at 740-681-3353.


顾问: 达斯汀·阿什顿


Kappa Delta Pi


顾问: 黛布拉邓宁

Kappa Delta Pi is an honorary professional organization for education majors. KDP was founded in 1911 and its motto is: Knowledge, Duty and Power. The mission statement is that KDP inspires and equips teachers to thrive. 我们的愿景是,优秀的教师通过提供高质量的服务,建设繁荣的社区,创造终身的机会, 人人享有公平教育. The foundations for KDP are the following:

卓越: 致力于做到最好, 我们的成员, 志愿者, 领导人, and 工作人员 are among the most outstanding in their fields.

完整性: 我们坚持真实透明. 我们信守诺言. We walk the walk, and make sure our words and actions always align.

专业知识: 我们由教育领域内最聪明、知识最渊博的个人组成,并坚定地利用他们的集体见解来做出合理的判断.

多样性: We emb比赛 and foster all qualities of diversity, 包括种族, 种族, 年龄, 宗教, 性别, 性身份, 和能力.

股票: We are committed to being fair and impartial, intentionally seeking perspectives that challenge our thinking.

同理心: We are aware of and sensitive to the emotions of 我们的成员 and colleagues.

KDP is America's largest Honor Society in Education.



顾问: 尼基布劳

是 is a National Honorary Society for students in 沟通 Studies. π Eta识别, 培养, 并奖励杰出的学术成就,同时激发人们对传播学科的兴趣. To join 是 you must be invited based on academic success. COMS专业,平均成绩达到3分.0 or higher will be invited to join the organization and will be inducted in the spring semester.

L.E.T. 帮助我们

顾问: TBD

To assist local law enforcement with fairs, 节日, and provide students with anopportunity to network in the criminal justice arena.

Medical Assisting Technology Student Group

顾问: 辛西娅·博尔斯监管的

This group will provide opportunities to exchange information with members of the medical community, 探索就业机会, 培养领导能力, to render 社区服务 and to interact with Certified Medical Assistants.



顾问: 凯文Cordi

OEA-OUL is a student organization for education majors. OEA- oul是俄亥俄州教育协会(OEA)和国家教育协会(NEA)的地方分会。. 这个组织的目的是通过提高公众对教育的兴趣来支持教师教育项目. 会议是#EdPowerHour的一部分,在秋季和春季学期的不同时间和地点举行,以满足学生的需求和兴趣. 该组织的使命宣言是“帮助教师候选人在他们的教育旅程中获得基本的人类认知领域的能力”, 情感, 社会和物理领域”. 该组织为教师教育专业的学生提供了通过与他人交流和服务社区来获得个人成长和专业能力的机会.

Phi Theta Kappa


顾问: 坎迪斯Thomas-Maddox

自1918年以来,Phi Theta Kappa(我们当地的分会是Beta Beta Theta)一直认可两年制学院的学术卓越,并已成为世界上最大和最负盛名的两年制学院荣誉协会.

We invite bachelor's and associate degree students from all majors to seek membership. 我们有两个非正式的入会仪式,一个在秋季学期,一个在春季学期,一个在春季学期正式的入会仪式也是秋季和冬季入会的正式入会仪式.


顾问: 丹尼尔Schabel

The purpose of the 学生护士组织 is to unite students and eng年龄 in 社区服务. It also aims to support the holistic development of undergraduate nursing students, 帮助他们成长为个人和专业人士负责来自各行各业的人的医疗保健.

The organization functions to influence health care, 护理教育, and practice through relevant activities and events. 另外, 它促进和鼓励学生参与以保健和提高对有关社会问题的认识为重点的社区事务和活动.


顾问: 丽莎Skeens

The purpose of this organization shall be to serve, 教育, and promote activism in the field of social welfare. 除了, 社会服务计划将为学生提供一个与社区互动的机会,以扩大他们对社会服务相关问题的认识. 该组织的主要目标是影响生活在我们社区和我们周围社区的人们的生活,并尽我们所能帮助满足这些需求.



顾问: Pam Kaylor

退伍军人学生协会是OUL的一个学生组织,为退伍军人学生提供支持,帮助他们完成学业, 职业生涯, 个人目标.  The group provides networking and advocacy opportunities.  所有与军队有关的学生(无论是否现役)及其家属都有资格成为团体成员. 学生退伍军人协会隶属于美国学生退伍军人协会®(股东价值分析),是领导服务的首要组织, 研究, 项目, and advocacy for veterans in higher education.